Do Not Instigate the Destruction of Others
Written February 20, 2022 at 10:52 a.m.
Thoughts while listening to Sunday school lesson: The Jews got Pilate to order the carry out of the crucifixion of Jesus because the law did not permit the Jews to do it. We should be careful today that we do not instigate or mastermind the destruction of others. We may as Christians not want to look bad and be the one to visually destroy someone, but we mastermind it and go to Pilate so to speak by backbiting, sowing deceitful seeds against someone until someone else carries out the actual demise. May not be physical, but character attacks, bullying, destroying someone’s influence, etc. You are like the Jews going to Pilate. Also, just like Pilate didn’t find any fault in Jesus, the person you went to for help may not see, understand or believe your complaints, but just to please you or for their own personal gain or agenda, they will go along with you to destroy someone else. Be careful. Don’t be fooled. You are still in the wrong, just like the Jews were. But in the midst of it all, Jesus still loved us and died for us and prayed for us asking the Father to forgive them for they know not what they do. Scripture: whatsoever things are just, pure, etc…think on these things because whatsoever a man thinkest, so is he. We are to love one another as Christ has loved us. “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” “I love him because he first loved me” Hallelujah, thank you, Jesus.
Another point, the Jews wanted Pilate to change the inscription above Jesus stating the reason for the crucifixion, but Pilate refused. Your plan may backfire. The Jews wanted Jesus crucified but still wanted to have a certain persona. They didn’t like the inscription implying that they thought Jesus was their King, but remember Satan is not going to always cooperate with you. God uses even the mockery of unbelievers to shine light on the truth. Satan is out for his gain and your destruction. Remember that when you go to Egypt for help sort-a-speak. Let the devil ride and he’ll want to drive. You can’t outsmart him. You must resist him. Satan only fears the power of Jesus. At the name of Jesus Satan fears and trembles.