Build On A Solid Foundation
Written January 2, 2022 at 2:49 a.m.
Thoughts: If you build your house on sand and furnish it with expensive items, the house will still be destroyed when a storm comes irrespective of what you put in it, because the foundation is wrong. If you pour expensive liquid in a bucket with holes in it, the expensive liquid will still waste. So it is with life, you must build on a solid foundation, which is the Word of God. There is no other way. Your principles, integrity, ethics, etc. must be mirrored with the Word of God. You must be born again. You must allow the spirit of God to transform your life. Otherwise, all that you do will be to naught.
Obedience to God’s will is the key. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? You can go all around and do this and that to try to gain this and that, but in the end, the only thing that matters is if you gained Jesus Christ, the living God. Did you take time to pray, to serve, to get to know Jesus? “Get to Know Him”. Nothing else matters. What did you leave for the world to follow? A song, a word, a message, a life to pattern after, integrity, respect, joyful disposition, a smile, kindness, etc. Only what you do for Christ will last. DID YOU USE YOUR GIFTS or did you bury them? Like the person with the 10 talents, did you bury it and say I’m not good enough? Or did you use what you have and allow God to manifest it into more? Do what you can. Work with what you can. If your heart is right and your motive is right God will manifest. Remember, it’s not about us anyway. It’s about Jesus. Thank you Jesus for your Word.