Bible Study Notes & Reflections Sabrina's Memories & Inspirations  

Let Them Go

date written unknown (S. Morgan)

Story: One day you wear a pair of new-looking shoes, but before you get home from your destination, they start hurting your feet. You don’t take them off because you don’t want to walk barefoot. You get home and do not throw them away. Instead, you put them on another day, and again they start hurting. You need to make up your mind and let them go for good.

This is what Satan does. He’ll get you out there and then start hurting you. You have to put up with it for a while. But when you get a chance to get free, don’t entangle yourself again. Let it go. Get bold enough and get rid of the shoes before you get home and say I’ll make it the rest of the way myself.

The devil’s story is always “Next Time.” You need to tell Satan “This is the Last Time.”

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