“Positive Thought of the Week” (Take Time With Your Mind)
My brother, Min. Alfred Odom has a very inspirational you tube channel entitled Take Time With Your Mind. He posts a weekly Positive Thought of the Week. Below you can click on to hear the latest post. Feel free to visit and subscribe to his channel and view all of the past positive thoughts.
The words spoken in this short video are in fulfillment of Take Time With Your Mind, Inc.’s mission to remind you that to fulfill your purpose in life and attain your goals you often need to elevate your mind to operate in a higher dimension.
Transformation is necessary to operate in a higher dimension of living and thinking. You must be transformed by the renewing of your mind. You have been blessed with a uniqueness that is to be used to bless others. Think exponentially and expand your reach in life. Pursue excellence at all times. Stay encouraged through all situations of life. Remember to always approach life with tenacity and courage. You are strong and you are a winner. Stay faithful to your goals and aspirations amidst any negativity or adversity that meets you on your journey. This Thought of the Week was birthed from constant meditation on the mantra “be determined to nurture and protect your mind every minute.” Understand that your mind is a gateway to your spirit. The state of your spirit affects your attitude towards life, your overall level of motivation, and your behavior towards others. A positively nurtured mind and spirit help you to maintain a positive attitude towards life and a high degree of respect for self, others, and community. Keep your mind active, positive, and pure. – Min. Alfred Odom, Esq.